Rongai Vineyard - in Kenya

Learn more about our partnership with Rongai Vineyard.

Rongai Vineyard

Our journey with the Rongai Vineyard, near Nairobi Kenya, began about three years ago through VCC member, Emmanuel Mwambaza, who was helping his close friend and mentor, Aimable, with a bible study he was leading for other refugees in Kenya. With David Stark’s guidance and the involvement of the Association of Vineyard Churches of Kenya, Aimable planted the Rongai Vineyard in 2021. Since then, the congregation has grown to around 130 members. Through Emmanuel and his trip to minister to this new church in late 2022, our church has forged a partnership with them. For a refugee in Kenya, providing for basic necessities such as food, education, and healthcare is exceptionally difficult. Just in the past six months, we have been able to assist Aimable and the Rongai Vineyard in various ways:

  • Providing funds for Aimable and his leaders’ for conferences and biblical training.
  • Assisting the Rongai elders in purchasing and distributing food to 16 families in the church facing severe food shortages.
  • Coordinating with an educational organization in Kenya to identify children in the church in need of tuition support and sponsoring 38 children and youth for the upcoming year.
  • Supporting Pastor Aimable with a serious skin condition that will require surgery.
  • Providing Bibles in their native language and t-shirts for their staff and choir.

Learn more ways to get involved in our Kenya Partnership.

More information

To learn more contact David Stark.